Compassionate therapy for life, love, loss, and liberation…
All of you is welcome here.
Perhaps you're looking for a place, a space, where you can talk with someone who will listen without judgment, without critique, someone who’ll listen with care, and create a sacred space, with their compassionate attention on you….
I've worked with a range of people, from a variety of backgrounds and walks of life...
Some people have concerns, problems, issues, frustrations, fixations, ideas, thoughts, feelings and ways of life that no longer work for them. They might struggle with being in their own skin, or are trying to figure out who they are after adverse and challenging experiences. Some people struggle with dark secrets that they've carried for years and finally want to open up and let them go, while others might be figuring out how to "pick up the pieces" and decide which way is next.
There have been many events over the last few years that have left so many people feeling a lot of different feelings.. hurt, wounded, sick, confused, angry, sad, grief stricken, just to name a few…
“The wound is the place where the light enters you…”
Whatever might be happening in your world, I'm glad you're seeking support. I’m here to walk with you to find the calm, peace of mind, the healing, or the clarity, direction, and hopefulness you might be seeking.
You might just be ready for change, and wanting to bring more love and compassion into your life.
Let your wound be the place where the light enters you....